Friday, January 29, 2010

HELLO. blogging today again (: Anyway, short post here cause nowadays school has been really boring ): Nothing interesting happen at all one. Only nice thing was SOCCER during recess :D:D That was like,the only fun thing that happened? Then lessons and 2 periods of science, the nicest lesson ever!! Where basically no one understands what he's saying -.- So after school went for training which lasted till 5 plus. Was really tired. Then went home and slacked till now,haha. Anyway,nothing much today, will look for some interesting things to post about tmr. See ya, bye.

Looking forward to the big game on Mon, RI VS HCI!!

6:02 AM

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello,err nothing much to post today as like,nothing much happened in school today, pretty boring day i guess. Plus was like,super tired. Don't know why. Felt like sleeping in class, regretted not. Haha. Anyway,nothing much to post so this would be quite a short post, but after I went home I made a Chinese lantern ( out of 'ang pow' that type) for some Chinese homework. NOT BAD LEH (: (: haha,nicer then i expected, at least for my standard. So here's a few pics.

Not bad right (: at least teacher won't fail me. Pass can already. Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks,bye :D

6:01 AM

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hey everyone, sorry didn't post yesterday, was too tired from...... BUYING A NEW HOUSE :D :D :D So yesterday after school,nothing much happen. Then went with my family to view a house at Gilstead Rd ( near newton circus there). It was damn nice (: Cluster housing terrace. Quite big la,got basement plus 3 floors. Haha. Anyway, viewed the house till about 8plus then my dad decided to make an offer. wait,wait,wait,until like 10plus-.- don't know why the owner take so long to reply. Then finally he accepted our offer (: which was quite a good deal. After that,head home and was already 11plus,so did some work and went to bed.
Lessons as usual. Nothing much exciting. Only lucky Kevin could leave class early for basketball comp, skip cleaning the class. So after school went to watch B'boys match against ACS(i). Cant believe they lost, by one run ): The ACS(i) coach was like,so intimidating,keep shouting at the umpire's decision and gave him a hard time( the umpire happened to be our softball senior from A'div) Damn bad la, every call also scold the umpire. Then due to like,unlucky stuff? ACS(i) won the game. But to be honest it was a fair result as the team did not play as well as they could. Anyway, there's still a chance as there are 3 matches to go!! (:

OH YA,Happy belated birthday Yuchuan! haha. That's all for now then, please tag!bye

3:01 AM

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hey everyone, second post here (: Trying to post everyday, hope that can last! Anyway, today was quite a nice day,but mainly in the afternoon. Morning had lessons as usual and ended up having 2 and a half hours of English!! Thankfully it wasn't that bad and was quite funny actually. After that we had Math -.- Well, the teacher is not that good but can't say more as this is a school blog..

Well, at least the afternoon was fun. Once school ended,teammates and I went to the field to support our B'Div team as the had a match today against Geylang Methodist Sec. B'Div was PRO!! (: (: (: They were leading like,26-1 and after just like half an hour, Hwa Chong team won because " Mercy rule" was implied, meaning that the game is ended as one team is leading by too much. Haha (: The opponents weren't that good anyway so wasn't much of a fight, but the next match is against ACS(i) so it should be a close game. Hopefully B'div still plays well and beat them!! Hwa Chong FTW ^^

Anyway, after the game just went out with my teammates for a drink and chatted for awhile before I headed home. That's about it for now,so hope to have things to post Tomorrow! Hope you guys continue reading this blog and give me any feedbacks etc.PLS TAG!! Thanks,bye.

6:44 AM

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new blog (: Anyway, this blog is created for my school to basically just blog about stuff? Or anything I wanna blog about, so hope you guys like it!

For a little intro. I’m Eugene and am currently studying in Hwa Chong Institution. I’m 14 this year and my CCA is softball. 14 Feb’s my birthday and also Valentine’s Day! Haha, That’s kind of a good thing I suppose (:

Anyway, That’s it for now so I hope I have the time to post again tomorrow. Hope you guys keep on reading! Bye!

8:09 AM


The Guy
Hwa Chong Institution 14 February

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Soccer News :D Kevin Yong Roy Sim

The Victories
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010


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